Episode #3: Marli Williams – Full Transcription2017-12-20T17:09:47-07:00

Lisa: 00:00 Hello, I'm Lisa Betts-LaCroix and you're listening to the Super Power U Podcast. This is Episode 3.

VO: 00:11 Welcome to the Super power you podcast, where we reveal the mental models and tactical skills needed to activate your inner super hero. And here's your host, Lisa Betts-LaCroix.

Lisa: 00:25 So my guest today is Marli Williams. Marli is a professional camp counselor. She is an activation coach, a community-builder, and a change-maker whose mission in life is to inspire and empower people to do more, and be more than they ever thought possible. She's passionate about creating spaces, places and experiences where others can tap into their innate awesomeness, build meaningful connections, and feel empowered to make changes in their communities and in their lives.  I want to welcome you Marli to my podcast.

Marli: 01:03 Thanks so much for having me. I'm excited to be here.

Lisa: 01:05 Oh, it's so great to have you. I just want to reflect back to how we met. It was on the streets of Portland outside the World Domination Summit, I believe, in…2014.

Marli: 01:16 Yeah, that was probably my first WDS.

Lisa: 01:19 OK. So it was my only one so far. As awesome as it was, I haven't been able to get back then, but yes, it was 2014 and I guess we were the keeners because we were there a half hour before it started and that's how we ended up speaking. And you were just so enthusiastic and so accessible and so warm and friendly and you know, I just had such a great feeling about you from that moment, and since.

Marli: 01:42 Thank you. I appreciate that. Yeah, WDS attracts some amazing humans and that's one of the reasons I actually moved to Portland three months ago…because of all the awesome people I met through WDS.

Lisa: 01:55 By way of introduction for my audience, since they did not get to meet you at WDS –and I will include information about WDS in the show notes, because World Domination Summit is a pretty cool experience that Chris Guillebeau puts on– maybe you could just give a little bit of an intro into what got you to this place on the journey of Marli Williams…just a little bit about yourself…maybe the things that you think are important.

Marli: 02:22 So I think the interesting thing about my story that feels different from other stories I hear, which is, you know, like, “I had this corporate job I hated. And I left and I started my own empire”. And the interesting part of my journey is that I had a job that I loved and enjoyed a lot. I was working full time at a university. I was an academic support coordinator for first-generation college students; so essentially a life coach for students who were the first in their family to go to college. And I got to support them in finding their path and their passion…what classes to take and what to major in and, and really got to help these students at such a critical time in their life. And in so many ways it was, it was great!  I ran a mentoring program. I started an outdoor orientation program for incoming students to have a week-long backpacking trip and connect with themselves and other people and have confidence going into college. And even though it was a good job, I felt like there was something else out there for me. There was something more. There was a bigger impact I was meant to make. And I think that we all have that whisper and that whisper is our intuition and what I started noticing, giving it some room to breathe and some space. What could I do? What's possible here? I think that that job provided a big foundation for me to have the confidence in myself to go out on my own. I would hire people to come and speak to our students and they would be up on stage saying the same thing I say to my students every day. But I was paying them what I make in one month for one hour. And I was like, well, that seems awesome. I want to go on stages and tell students amazing things. And…

Lisa: 04:13 That must have been right around the time I met you at World Domination Summit in 2014 because I remember you said you were intending to become a speaker.

Marli: 04:20 Yeah, I mean the interesting thing is that WDS…I was drawn to it because I wanted to be around other inspiring entrepreneurs and people that were doing the work that they were meant to do in the world.  And yet here I am working full time in a university! And that was 2014 and I ended up leaving my job at the end of 2015. So it still took me, you know, another year and a half after that first WDS to muster up the courage…and I used that next year and a half or so after WDS to really test the waters on some of this stuff. I think that the power of the World Domination Summit is surrounding yourself with people who inspire you.  And inspire what's possible! And I got this, this spark lit in me that was like, if they can do it, so can I.  Like I said, the last year or so in my job, I really tested the waters on coaching and speaking and creating these programs, leading retreats and doing all this stuff. You know, when I started making money on the side doing it and I'm like, well, if I can make money on the side and have a full time job, then surely I can do this if I had all my time committed to it. And so I decided to leave my job two years ago and go out on my own as a speaker, a coach, a facilitator of possibility, and now I get to run summer camps for women called Camp Yes! I put on other retreats, other workshops and events. I have some one-on-one coaching clients and I speak all over the world, all over the country. And it's pretty amazing what is possible when we say “yes” to our selves, our dreams, our goals, our vision, and we surround ourselves with people who can support that.

Lisa: 06:00 So we definitely will talk more about “Camp Yes”. Because I want to hear more about it; it sounds incredible. But as someone who has made a transition from one life, or one lifestyle or one life season, let's call it, what would you say to someone who wasn't there yet? Or who is in the process of thinking about making a change since you're now two years in?

Marli: 06:24 Yeah, you know, I think anytime we're in some sort of transition where maybe there's something else out there for me, or maybe there's something else I'm meant to do, there's this quiet hum and I think the first step is honoring the hum, honoring the whisper, honoring this little voice that says: maybe I could do the thing; leave the job; start the business. Realize if you have that inclination, that intuition is inspiration and I think it's really a big part of our essence and honoring that, validating it, creating space for that is huge.

Lisa: 06:57 I love the idea of the whisper, the metaphor of the whisper; your self speaking to your Self in a quiet tone and I'm wondering what kind of environment, what kind of actions would support letting that whisper amplify?

Marli: 07:12 Yeah, I mean I just remember sitting in my office and I got an email from Chris Guillebeau about Pioneer Nation. So this was before I went to WDS, so this was a smaller event specifically for entrepreneurs.  And I am sitting in my office at the university and I cannot stop looking at this website, for whatever reason. But I'm like, “but I'm not an entrepreneur. Is this for me?” I remember calling the 1-800 number or emailing somebody to say, “this is where I'm at; Is this event for me?” And questioning that. But I think it was really: Can I trust myself enough to “Say Yes” to this thing that I'm curious about? So I think part of listening to that whisper is following that curiosity and finding events, places, spaces, people that are going to help you step into that. And so one very specific tangible example is finding people on that path. Whatever path you want to be on, surrounding yourself with that energy. Even if you're like: I don't know why I wanted to go to this thing. There's something that's deeper.  It's like our deeper wisdom or inner mentor that's calling us to go. Can we listen to that? Can we trust ourselves enough to step into that even when we don't feel ready or qualified or we're waiting for someone else to give us permission. For all the green lights, I'm waiting until I become an entrepreneur to be around entrepreneurs. I need to be around entrepreneurs to become one.  So that quote, “you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with”…I have taken that seriously in the fact that I even moved to Portland to be around all those inspiring people.

Lisa: 08:47 I love how you're giving voice to the inner obstacles, the sense of, I think imposture syndrome, which is really common for people…where they feel like they're going to be found out. They're not really an entrepreneur; they're not deserving… And I love how you're giving voice to the fact that we can see those doubts; We can see that hesitation and take action– like place ourselves in the company of people who are doing it.

Marli: 09:13 The voices of doubt! I think that there are three specific types of voices: The “I'm not good enough” –I'm not smart enough, strong enough, talented enough, whatever enough to do what I really want to do. I'm not courageous enough and brave enough to actually do it… so the “I'm not enough” voice. There's the voice. What if I totally fall flat on my face? What if people make fun of me? What if I'm really not as good? What if it's not as…like, I remember thinking like, “Whoa, am I just glorifying this whole entrepreneur thing?” Like, am I really going to like working for myself? I'm not a business person. I don't know what I'm doing. Right? Like, so what if it doesn't work out? And then the third one is “who the hell am I” voice. Who am I to do?

Lisa: 09:52 Who am I to have what I want? Who am I to be?

Marli: 09:54 Yeah. Who am I to have what I want? Who am I to, to be the, you know, to be a coach or to speak on stages or to create these experiences for people. So, it's the, “I'm not enough…” of something. “What if it doesn't work out” and “who the hell am I?” And I think this is helpful for people that are in some sort of job or career that are wanting to go out on their own in some capacity, or maybe have a side hustle, and you're ready to step fully into the hustle. (And I liked the idea of flow versus hustle always.) That's a whole other conversation…because I think when you're in alignment, you don't have to hustle.

Lisa: 09:54 You have a Side Flow.

Marli: 10:34 Side Flow!! I remember thinking when I was about to leave my job and the “what if” voice… What if I fail? What if I fall down? What if it doesn't work out? And I'm like, OK –this is what I told myself–The worst case scenario, the worst possible thing that could have happened was I go out there, pursue my path, my purpose, my mission, and, for whatever reason it doesn't work out. I don't make enough money. I don't know how to sell things. Whatever! I run out of money and then, I get a job. Literally, the worst case scenario was I give it a go and it doesn't work out and I say maybe this isn't my jam or maybe I'm not cut out for it.  And I have ten years of experience and a master's degree. I could get a job at a university if I really wanted to.

Lisa: 11:20 Absolutely. So in a way, we have a nice structure evolving here.  You basically gave an antidote to the “what if…” voice going down the query of “what's the worst that can happen?”, you know, and keeping asking and then, and then… And for most people, you'll get to a sense where it's like, “OK, well, the worst isn't that bad. I could probably handle it.”

Marli: 11:39 Yeah. And I think, at the end of the day, at the end of MY days, I'd rather say I freaking went for it. I gave it a go. Rather than saying, “what if”?  What if it DOES work out? What if you ARE amazing? It could feel like this narcissistic, selfish thing, but who gets to be impacted when you do that? Your kids getting to see you pursue a passion or you getting to make an impact through, you know, coaching or speaking or events or workshops or whatever it is. You saying yes to you, isn't just about you.

Lisa: 11:39 Nice.

Marli: 12:12 And I think knowing your Big Why… Like my Big Why in leaving my full time steady, stable job at a university…was Freedom. Freedom is more important to me, then stability, I guess. In some ways. And I think that we all have different values around that. I'm not saying that everyone that has the value of freedom. Some people don't. Some people want to have a job– but maybe they want to make a difference in other ways. They want to volunteer, they want to find their passion in other ways.  There are a lot of ways to explore your passion and your hobbies other than starting a business. I'll just say that. But I think my Why is important because in being an entrepreneur, you know, I'm spending 80% of my time selling my magic and 20% percent of the time living the magic. So there, there is sales, there's marketing, there's stuff that I don't want to do, but I would rather do those things then go work for somebody else.

Lisa: 13:12 Right. And when you know that you're doing it for your value of freedom, you get some wind in your sails. It makes it easier to do.

Marli: 13:19 Right. It makes it easier to do the things that I don't always want to do because you know, at this point I'm like totally unemployable because I've had that taste of freedom and I'm like, I don't want anyone to tell me what to do. Creating my own schedule, going on vacation when I want, working from anywhere.  That is worth the price of having to figure out all the things I have to figure out on a daily basis. So what about antidotes to the “I'm not good enough” voice.

Marli: 13:44 I think the antidote for the “I'm not good” enough voice is knowing that it's always going to be there.

Lisa: 13:44 I like it.  Acceptance…Surrender.

Marli: 13:51 Totally. I think it's recognizing the role that that voice is trying to play. OK. So it's like, cool. Hey, Self-Doubt. How's it going? Thanks for sharing, but I got this. That “I'm not good enough” voice keeps us small though and it's going to be there. I don't think it's this thing that we need try to try to get rid of or figure out or solve. I think it's just like becoming friends with it and being” like, cool, I don't feel like I'm good enough to do this thing, so where can I find evidence that I am?”

Lisa: 14:24 Right? And that brings in building that community and putting those people around you; the inspiring people who are probably going to be your community and your tribe and have your back and say “you got this”!

Marli: 14:34 Exactly. Exactly. I think Community is the antidote to self-doubt.

Lisa: 14:34 Totally.  So with you on that.

Marli: 14:42 Because they're the people that can mirror back to you all the things that you're amazing at, and what you have to offer. And who can remind you when you forget? Because we will, we'll forget, you know.

Lisa: 14:56 Two great anecdotes: Become friends with it, know that it's not going away; And build your tribe to reflect back that you can do it.  That you got it.

Marli: 14:56 Exactly. Boom.

Lisa: 15:06 Boom! What about you don't deserve it? That one is such a pervasive one in our culture. I think so many people… Now your version of that was…

Marli: 15:06 Who the hell am I?

Lisa: 15:06 I wonder if I've got a bleep out “Who the hell am I?” I don't know.

Marli: 15:19 You know, who am I to do this work? Who am I to want to make more money? Who am I…

Lisa: 15:27 like Marianne Williamson is? Who am I to be quite big? Who am I to be beautiful?

Marli: 15:34 It's not our darkness, but our light that frightens us the most, right….in that quote…

Lisa: 15:45 My favorite quote, ever.  I love that. Love that. I will definitely put it in the show notes.

Marli: 15:46 It's one of my favorites too because you know she says, “Our greatest fear is not that we're inadequate. Our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure” and I think that this question, well, what if I was powerful beyond measure? What if I was successful…

Lisa: 16:03 And I love the answer to that? The answer is if you are, you give other people the permission to be their best selves too.

Marli: 16:09 Oh, my friend texted me the other day, this beautiful little message, and I've never really heard it said this way before. It resonated with me so much.  She said, “I'm grateful for your light. The more you shine, the easier others can see”.   

Lisa: 16:09 That is so beautiful.

Marli: 16:26 And I think we think that if I shine, other people can't or I'm going to blind other people with my light versus making it easier for other people to see that light in themselves. And so it's kind of like in that quote, she says, “who the heck am I not to?” I think the antidote for that one is knowing, I mean, what your podcast is all about… knowing your Super Power, knowing your secret sauce, knowing that you have magic. And I had talked about this idea of, magic is meant to be shared and so each person has their own natural resource and so it's more selfish to keep that to yourself than to share it. You know? And I think that once we are familiar, once we can identify what that Super Power is, then I think they're responsible for sharing that instead of keeping it to ourselves.

Lisa: 17:14 I'm just going to take a deep breath… because I'm SO with you.

Marli: 17:14 Yeah. Yeah. That's what I'm talkin' about!

Lisa: 17:23 I love that you, that you raised that quote because yes, that's the essence of so much of what's possible. When we trust ourselves and appreciate ourselves and reflect all the brilliance that we can be back to each other. And then I love the way your friend said it. That's a beautiful quote. Was that your friend's words or was that a quote?

Marli: 17:41 Yeah, I mean she just sent me a text that said that.  And I was like, that's the best! 

Lisa: 17:46 So another thing I want to bring in, because I think it's relevant, is, I think you call them your Stoke Talks, is that right? You used to do them on Wednesdays.

Lisa: 17:46 Oh, I have Pep Talks and I have Stoke Quotes.

Lisa: 17:59 So talk a bit about those because to me they seem very relevant.

Marli: 18:02 I think the Pep Talks and the Stoke Quotes are kind of an antidote or a response to those three voices I was talking about: the “I'm not good enough”, the “what if” and the “who am I?”  And I think realizing that those things are going to be there so what are the counter stories? And counter perspectives? And counter messages that can create more positivity? In our culture, we have what I call a negativity bias. The news is pretty negative. People complain more than they celebrate. Um, you know, we talk about what's not working versus what is, and I think the Pep Talks and the Stoke Quotes are really designed to instill or inspire or what I would call a positivity bias in our world, in our life. And we need other stories. If we're surrounded by so much negativity in our own head and in the media and from our friends. How do we fill our minds and our hearts with messages that can lift us up and fill us up and inspire us. The Pep Talks are less than five minutes and are insights, tools, tips, strategies we use to think about things differently to help us overcome some of those voices. And same with the Stoke Quotes. Sometimes hearing a few words in the right moment can make such a difference.  And some of them are as simple as just “you matter” or “the world needs you” or “believe in your big crazy dreams”. We can use those positive messages to inspire us to keep moving forward even when we feel stuck or stopped or alone. Because we might not be surrounded by amazing inspiring community all the time. So that's what those are really designed…to meet people where they're at. They can watch them online.  They can, you know, get a box of a hundred different positive messages that they can pull, they can put on their mirror, in their car, wherever.  They can surround themselves with those messages.

Lisa: 19:53 They are so energetic and so enthusiastic and so articulate and you know, right on the money. And what do you do to prepare before you go live? You know, because I'm starting to do a bit more Facebook Live and like most people I find it a bit intimidating even though I'm reasonably used to being on camera because I was a film and television actor for a long time, but, you know, sometimes I'm like, is my message going to be clear? Am I going to get it out right? And you seem to be able to manage enthusiasm, energy and also clarity of message. So what do you do to prepare?

Marli: 20:24 That's a really good question. The more that I do this work… I actually don't do much to prepare to be honest.

Lisa: 20:37 Well, you think about the topic, obviously you didn't, you know, a topic you're going to do.

Marli: 20:41 Sometimes I have more like…Oh this is, this is the thing I want to talk about. Usually it's whatever is percolating or resonating with me. So the one that I did today was about a workshop I went to on Friday. And so I think the pep talks are an opportunity for me to reflect on lessons that are showing up for me, and then figuring out how do I effectively communicate that lesson in a short amount of time. But, I trust myself.  That's my preparation in that whatever needs to be said will be said and whatever needs to come through will come through. I do one take one time. So they're not rehearsed. They're not scripted. They're not totally planned. Maybe I have…like today I wanted to talk about how the inner child can help us find our passion.

Marli: 21:25 And then I talked about camp, because the idea of camp is using play as a pathway to your personal power. It's the essence of who we are, but we forgot who we are. So it's about reminding people who they are. And so to answer your question, I reflect on what's present for me. And then I just, I fall into a flow.  I love talking about this stuff.  It oozes out of me. And so it's just like, here's the thing that I'm the most stoked to share right now, um, and trying to make it really real, relatable, tangible, and give some sort of specific action that they can take.

Lisa: 22:00 The more you do it, do you find it gets easier?

Marli: 22:02 Oh yeah. I mean, the more that we do anything, the easier it gets. And I think, you know, I've been doing these pep talks for like almost three years now. And I think the biggest thing, like you said, is that it's not even always what I say, it's how I say it and it's that energy. It's the delivery. Um, I love that Maya Angelo quote, she said, “people won't remember what you said or what you did, but they'll never forget the way you made them feel”.

Lisa: 22:31 Absolutely. I know that to be so deeply true, even though sometimes I forget it, that it is the feeling and the sense and the energy that comes from us that people feel the most. Over and over and over again in my speaking  coaching, training and classes, I send that message that when it comes right down to it, sure you want to be prepared, but when it comes right down to it, it is about how you say it is about having some variation in your speech, it is about leaving time for people to experience you. It is about letting the audience watch you think. Sometimes watch you discover what you're going to say next.  The pregnant pause, right before you find your next thought is sometimes the most powerful, the most engaging and the most authentic moment that you can gift to your audience.

Marli: 23:22 It's so true. People want authenticity, you know, they want that realness and that's the question of like, “what is it that wants to come through me” versus what do I think other people want me to say? You know?

Lisa: 23:33 Right? Trusting that.

Marli: 23:36 Yeah, it comes down to trusting yourself. And having fun with it. I think sometimes this work can feel so serious and so heady and I think people are wanting that realness and that lightness to bring into this conversation around how do we become the best versions of ourselves. It can feel like a lot of pressure and a lot of work, but it's like, oh, it can also be fun.

Lisa: 23:36 Speaking of fun, let's talk about “Camp Yes!” Cause it sounds fun.

Marli: 23:36 Heck yeah, let's talk about it.

Lisa: 24:07 Camp Yes!  It sounds like it's going to be really a blast.  Can you just share a bit about it?

Marli: 24:10 I would love to share about camp. So essentially I'm a professional camp counselor. I think the funny thing is my undergrad degree is in outdoor education.  Which means I was a camp counselor when I was nineteen, and then it took me two degrees and fourteen years, become a camp counselor. Um, how many people are out there waiting to get two more degrees and fourteen years more experienced to do what they're actually meant to do in the world.

Lisa: 24:10 It's so true.

Marli: 24:39 You know we already have everything we need.  And to me, camp is really the essence of taking everything that I love…everything I believe in –around using nature and the outdoors to reconnect with ourselves. You know, we're the most connected we've ever been technologically, but we're the more hungry for real connection than we've ever been. For thousands of years we sat around fires and we told stories and we listened to each other and that is such a human experience. And so I think one piece is using nature and the outdoors and play as that pathway to tapping into your personal power. And what does it mean to “Say Yes” to yourself and to do that work in Community. Transformation does not happen in isolation. It takes other people to be that mirror back to you in helping you find your Super Power and saying, “this is what I see in you. This is what I appreciate about you.” Um, and it's amazing, for so many women that attend campus the first time that they really feel seen and accepted for exactly who they are. And the thing about camp is it's not about, you know, you're not in a fancy hotel conference room. It's not about what you're wearing or your makeup. It's like, oh, I get to just be me and again, tap into the essence of who I am without all of that, without all the layers, or the masks and people get to drop in and be real and have a really fun time doing it.  You know, can we have these deep conversations? I would say if we can't laugh together, we can't cry together. Um, and so helping people remember what it's like to, to laugh and to have fun and be silly and playful.

Lisa: 26:14 So people want to get more information about it they can go to campyesforwomen.com. Great. Awesome. Fantastic. So I know for myself, I love year planning. I have a whole process that I've done for about fifteen years. I'm probably going to talk about in next week's podcast and it has to do with reviewing the year that's passed and planning the next year that's coming. Do you want to talk a little bit about how either you work with either your clients or on your own in your own life around either activating purpose or goal setting or envisioning what's next?

Marli: 27:21 Yeah, definitely. The biggest, simplest question is “what do you really want?”

Lisa: 27:21 Hard to answer for some people.

Marli: 27:28 It is, and it's like, you know, I asked that question on coaching calls, like, what do you mean, what I, what do I want? And we wonder why we don't get what we want in our life… it's because we actually haven't answered that question.  Or if I say what I want and it doesn't happen that I'm going to be disappointed.  Well, if you don't, if you don't say what you want and doesn't happen, is that going to be better? Um, I love this idea, um, this the purpose of a goal isn't to achieve it. The purpose of a goal is to figure out who you become along the way. It allows us to dream big and yet release expectations. So I would say my two-part, goal setting process: Set powerful intentions; Release expectations.

Lisa: 28:13 Beautiful. I like the two-part piece.  The other thing I want to add onto what you said earlier about finding the answer to “what do you really want” is sometimes “what don't you want?”, you know? I liked that idea that if you're trying to decide between A and B, flip a coin and see how you feel about the answer.  You know, man, I wish it was A. I was hoping it was going to be A.

Marli: 28:39 Yeah, exactly. And then you'll know.

Lisa: 28:41 Yeah. Recognizing things that we don't want is part of the path to uncovering what can be a hard thing to find, and that is: what we do want. What's your process for preparing for a calendar year turning?

Marli: 28:55 I always have a money goal because I work for myself. So I have that and then I say, OK, if I want to make this, what value can I create in the world? What programs am I'm going to create? And then what's my strategy to get there? And then connecting that to how I want to feel. I use the Desire Map from Danielle Laporte. It's not just about these end goal results that I want, like this money goal…But what is that money goal going to DO for me? 

Lisa: 28:55 Back to the values of Freedom.

Marli: 29:26 Back to the values of Freedom!  And so because I have this value of freedom and this is my goal, I am committed to making that happen and doing whatever it takes. And how can I have fun along the way? Again, balancing having these goals for next year, but also saying, what is my process? What is my plan? What are some things I can habitualize? Who are people that are resources for me? Coming up with those goals, dreaming big and then I'm breaking them down. There's another fun specific little tool that I'll give people that are external processors, like me. Like sometimes I'm just, I don't love just sitting and writing in my journal, even though I'm working on that. And that inner reflection…I think some people like that and some people like a worksheet and some people like to talk things out. There's this thing called Kylego. This guys sets that this guy Kyle Cease created this and it's something that I think is out there in other ways, but essentially it's sitting down with a good friend or a coach and talking about your year as if it's already occurred. I would be like, OK, all right it's December 15, 2018 and I can't believe it! I had three camps. They were amazing. They were full. Everyone had this huge impact and then I had this fire tribe and I had this community of amazing women who are in this thing and I ran successful workshops. I had 10 speaking engagements all over the country and I…

Lisa: 29:26 Oh and didn't you get a new bike, Marli!?

Marli: 30:53 Exactly. And so, you just did, what I love, which is called Super Charging my vision. So you can add to it based on what you know about me. “And then you got this book deal and then Ellen called you and then this thing…” you know and you can record this conversation if you want. You can write it down, but for verbal processors that gets me so fired up and what it does is it creates this emotion in your body. It's not saying, I want this to happen or this will happen. It's this already happened and then it's just, you fall into that flow and alignment. Because when you know what you want, then it's just like, this is what's happening because this is just what I'm up to in the world.

Lisa: 31:30 I love it and the other sister to flow and alignment is…

Marli: 31:34 …setting powerful intentions and releasing expectations.

Lisa: 31:40 Releasing expectations! and I think that that is really important. I know for me, I love setting goals. I love this idea you just presented. I'm absolutely going to do it and I could potentially get discouraged because a lot of the times I set goals they don't actually happen, but something else shows up.  And sometimes it's better than you even really planned on.

Marli: 31:40 Yeah, magic!

Lisa: 32:00 So, so wonderful to hear what you're up to and hear about the camp.

Marli: 32:02 Yeah. It's been awesome to connect with you and I can talk about this stuff for days like this is, this is my jam. So I'm grateful to have the opportunity and thanks for inviting me to join you all and share some of this magic with your community and your tribe.

Lisa: 32:17 Yeah, very, very happy. So before we end, I have to know…what would you say is your Super Power or one of your Super Powers…because I think you have many.

Marli: 32:28 What is my Super Power? I believe my biggest superpower is that I'm the facilitator of play and possibility. Yeah.

Lisa: 32:28 Nice. That's all there in “Say Yes!”

Marli: 32:41 Yes, that's what I'm talking about and I love creating those spaces and places for people to play and to discover what's possible and I think I'm really good at it. And that's what camp is all about.

Lisa: 32:53 I concur.  That oozes out of you. Positivity and possibility oozes out of you as soon as someone meets you. So I really appreciate that about you and celebrated it.

Marli: 33:01 Thank you so much.

Lisa: 33:02 In addition to checking out the Camp Yes! website, if people want to follow what you're up to, can you just, uh, you know, share where we can find you on social media or wherever you live online?

Marli: 33:12 Yeah. So if you want to check out my website, it's my name MarliWilliams.com. So that's MarliWilliams.com is my website. And then if you want to check out the pep talks, you can just follow me on Facebook, look for my name. There's only one of me out there. And then if you need some Stoke in your life you can go to Stokequotes.com and get some quotes for yourself or for a gift.

Lisa: 33:38 Thank you so much! It's been, it's been awesome.

Marli: 33:40 Thank you. Appreciate it.

Lisa: 33:44 I hope you enjoyed my conversation with Marli Williams as much as I did. Thank you so much for being with us here today on the Super Power U Podcast. This has been episode 3. You can find show notes and the links to the things we've talked about LisaBL.com/3. If you have feedback or ideas about topics or people you'd like to see interviewed on the show, send me an email at hey@LisaBL.com. Hope to see you next week, next Thursday. Bye for now.

VO: 34:19 Thank you for listening to the Super Power U Podcast. Please subscribe to the show on iTunes and get more information at LisaBL.com.