#63: Making The Impossible Possible with Singularity University’s Monique Giggy2019-06-06T08:34:59-07:00

It is Monique Giggy’s full-time mission to work closely with impact-focused startups that solve world problems with technology. Today, she and Lisa speak about her work as the VP at Singularity University, her experience of both the triumphs and trials of leadership, the difference in women’s and men’s approaches in the entrepreneurial worlds, and leading from behind.



  • Monique is an advisor, investor, and entrepreneurship coach. At Singularity, she and her team create programs that provide resources that accelerate breakthroughs.
  • Monique sees leadership now as being about working with people through care and enabling and empowering them to fulfill their purpose.
  • As Monique started working closely with the people working for and with her, she came to see their individual desires and realized the need to align the value and mission so it’s a win/win for everyone.
  • A more feminine type of leadership that calls for networking and interconnectedness seems to work better in the current landscape.
  • At Singularity University, their mission is to positively impact the lives of a billion people and increase the number of startups that are focused on impact.
  • SU has support for all levels of ideas and creations. They have an early stage incubator, the Global Startup Program, and general programs that support the existing portfolio startups that provide funding, resources, and more of a network.
  • Monique’s experience as both an entrepreneur and an advisor greatly helped her relate to the ventures she invests in.



  • “True leadership comes from empowering others to fulfill their purpose.”
  • “We don’t expand by threat anymore, it’s more of an ecosystem balance.”
  • “I think it’s a combination of my experience as an entrepreneur — as a leader — that makes me a unique leader for this team and the mission we are ultimately trying to serve.”
  • “I love coming up with new ideas and manifesting them from thin air.”


Mentioned in This Episode:

Singularity University


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