You can do this any way that works for you! Watch the videos and pause as you go to take time to reflect or write. Or just watch it first and then do the writing. Or don't watch it at all. Absolutely do what works FOR YOU.
I'll be doing live Zoom calls during which I'll be working through the workbooks live and chatting with anyone who wants to join me. The Day 1 call will be December 11 at 1pm PST at lisabl.com/zoom.
Here is the INTRO, the Day 1 Worksheet Download and the Day 1 OVERVIEW:
If you haven't already printed out the worksheet, it's here. You can just print pages 2-4 to save ink…I made the cover just so it's pretty.
Day 1 Worksheet Creation 2020 Take 3Here is my overview of Day 1 – Reflecting on and Reviewing 2019