I'm looking for an Amateur partner to compete at the Open level in American Rhythm.
I'm pretty heavily invested in Rhythm and have been focusing on it since I started dancing almost four years ago. I recently began learning Smooth and am loving it so that and/or 9-dance would also be fantastic! Hey, I might even consider Latin for the right Am partner and am open to working with a Latin dancer who wants to come over to the American side. I'd also like to do more performing. (Pros: I plan to continue dancing Pro-Am so if you have an Am who feels the same please consider connecting us and we can train with you and my teacher. )
About Me:
I'm 5'4″ wo heels and based on the Peninsula in the SF Bay area. I'm a relative baby (with not quite 4 years of learning in), but I'm a serious competitive dancer. I did my first competition about 3 months after I started dancing and have Pro-Am American Rhythm in 30+ competitions since 2014.
In 2015 my pro partner, Jeremy Babagay and I won the World Pro-Am Championship Title (B Division) at Emerald Ball. Since then I've been competing at the Open Gold level; I learn quickly and I work hard and as a result, I place pretty well against amazing dancers (amazing! I'm in awe of them, really) who've been dancing many years longer than I have. I'm generally a finalist, at least.
This year I'm committed to finding a great amateur partner; Is that you? I plan to do very well and you should too. My home studio is in Foster City but I'd be open to practicing as far north as SF (if we can find a space!), as far south as San Jose and maybe even the east bay. I generally practice 5-6 days a week and would like a partner who is willing to practice at least 2 days a week together.
Social Dancing. I'm totally addicted to dancing and in order to dance more I started dancing West Coast Swing in order to compete in Jack and Jills and now I love WCS.
I hope to hear from you if you're a serious amateur looking for a great partner. I'm very easy to get along with and generally not so much of a toot-my-horn kind of person but, well, this is an ad. 😉
If you just want a practice partner, then give me a shout, too. That's not what I'm ultimately after but until I find the right fit I'm certainly open to practicing with anyone who wants to put in the time.
Ultimately, I want to hear from you if you're passionate about dancing and looking to form a serious partnership. The most important qualities for me are willingness to work hard, contribute and communicate for the purpose of building a respectful partnership. I'd like to share focused practice and lessons (your teacher, mine or both) and master coaching.
If you think we might be a good match please be in touch for a tryout. The best way to reach me is by email at lisa@lisabl.com (put Dance Partner in the subject line).
Even it's not a fit I'm always open to practice partnerships and even some social dancing (in order of preference: Lindy, WCS, Salso, Fusion, Blues).
I don't care about your relationship status but I'm absolutely not looking for any kind of relationship. I'm happily married with two kids. I'm looking for a serious dance partner only.
There's a bit more about my first year and half of dancing HERE. And some more recent pictures HERE.
Some Videos:
City Lights – 2017 Open B Scholarship
New York DanceFest – 2016 Open B Scholarship
The Passion Company Show 2015 “Shine”