This is the info page for PAID Members of the Learning-At-Home LIVE Virtual Support Group. If you have not already paid to be a part of the group, please do so as a show of support. I have made it a one-time fee of just $95 regardless of how long we need to be around and how often we meet in order to serve as many people as possible. I'm using something of an honor system. If you are facing financial hardship please just send me an email at as I will not turn away anyone in need who cannot afford the membership. If you still need to pay here is the paypal payment button:
All meetings will be in our PRIVATE ZOOM ROOM (link is in each calendar event so if you download it you can access directly from your calendar).
To see the schedule times for virtual meetings you can:
- ADD our calendar so you can see updated meetings go HERE.
- View the embedded calendar here: