What Change-makers are saying about Rock Your Talk
“Lisa’s Rock your Talk workshop is a powerful asset to anyone looking to communicate a vision. I came away with more tangible skills that I still use almost every day. She has helped shape the way I communicate and also given me simple tools to help others communicate more compellingly. I highly recommend Rock your Talk!” -Eric Glustrom, Watson University
“Really love it all. Very engaged and knowledgeable! I’ve never had someone tell me to be nervous before and that really helps. Now, I think I can channel that nervous energy into powerful projection and authenticity!”
“I’ve always struggled with articulation and now I will learn to take more pauses and let everything I want to say flow out in an understanding fashion.”
“Dynamic, collective and individual, hands-on, smooth. Loved the non-judgmental evaluations.”
“You have a clear passion for what you do. In my view, the only way to build these skills is with practice and you encouraged us to get up there and practice. Kudos.” -Michael K.
“One of the best workshops I have attended so far during the Entire Launchpad phase of Uncollege. Thank you, Lisa! I feel more confident and hope I will be able to clearly articulate my speech.” -Hanaan
“Your perspective and passion on communication and speaking was thoughtful and inspiring. Thank you so much for taking the time to come share your wisdom with us. This was easily one of the best workshops we’ve had.” -Tim W
“Awesome workshop! Your articulation when speaking is inspiring for me! I enjoyed getting out of my comfort zone and speaking off the cuff to other fellows. This really helped me for the talk I am going to give next Friday about my trip across the US. Thank you!” -Caleb M.
“I really like your authenticity and how you relate things back ‘as an acting coach would say'…I got the feeling you cared but also knew a WHOLE lot about what you were talking about.”
“I really appreciate how you relate the skills of an actor to any field.”
“Not only was your feedback super specific and easy to understand but you also make me feel supported and at ease while speaking.”
Really love it all. Very engaged and knowledgeable! I’ve never had someone tell me to be nervous before and that really helps. Now, I think I can channel that nervous energy into powerful projection and authenticity!
I’ve always struggled with articulation and now I will learn to take more pauses and let everything I want to say flow out in an understanding fashion. -Eric Brock
I think this workshop needs to be in two parts so it can be longer. I found it very useful and engaging. By far one of the better ones we’ve had. -Morgan
What Learners are saying about MetaLearning: Creating Lifelong Self-Directed Learners
“Thanks so much for speaking at the Hackademic Camp this weekend! Meta learning quickly became a buzz word throughout the weekend, and it was discussed at length while participants were constructing solutions to problems with institutionalized education.
I know you have a very busy schedule, so it means a lot that you were willing to take time to share your ideas with the Hackademics. Each one of them left the camp with a new passion for taking charge of their education and learning to “hustle” in every area of their lives. You were a big part of making that happen! “
-Dale Stephens, Hackademics Camp
“I very much appreciated your Hackademics Camp workshop and our chat after. So much of what you said resonates with my view of education, and I deeply respect and admire the decision that you have made for your children to pursue “alternative” forms of education. The necessary skills that we discussed articulated the ideas I have been thinking about for a while- the skills that young people (well all people) need to actualize the life they dream of. I feel liberated after this weekend (and actually decided to finish my requirements a quarter early and self learn instead next quarter!). I want to express how grateful I am to you for sharing your story and providing a role model for embracing education that aligns with our values.”
-HR, Hackademics Camp participant
“We were visited by Lisa Betts-LaCroix, an UnCollege parent and organizer of over 300 home schooling families in the Bay Area around self-education and self-directed learning. She covered the normally undisturbed portion of learning that is meta-learning skills. Things like time management, self-reflection, self-evaluation, community building, and many other influential topics were the subject of discussion in an action packed two hour session.”
-Jared Kleinert, 2 Billion Under 20
[The panel] on independent learning was wonderfully engaging and informative. Thanks so much for your time and for speaking so thoughtfully about your experiences. We have already heard from some of the parents who were really grateful for the discussion and are sure that all those who participated benefitted from the exchange. I know that I did! Were we to offer a Forum in the Bay area in the future, something we would happily consider, we would very much welcome your participation in another panel discussion.
-Patsy Kumekawa, Scholar Search Associates