Even as a self-proclaimed shy and introverted person, Dreamworks Animation's Kendal Cronkhite took big, bold chances that paid off in her personal growth and career. Today Lisa talks with her about leaving her comfort zone and what's to be gained from facing our fear. She shares her journey starting from
Hello, hello. Today is the official Month #2 update of the Intermittent Fasting experiment. And after that I want to tell you about a book that has had a profound impact on my life. It's a book called “Feeling Good” by David Burns. But first, let's do what Lisa's listening
Divia Eden joins us today for a talk about her interesting and collaborative “high-trust high-stakes” parenting approach, which is steeped in futurist ideas with an ancestral framework. She also talks about the importance of creating a community, her assumptions and broad perspective the power of choice and the vision of sharing ideas,
There’s a reason our guest today is nicknamed the “Indiana Jones of the dream world.” Katherine Lawson is a doctoral student in the Mind-Body Medicine Degree Program at Saybrook University and a certified Embodiment Imagination practitioner. She is a woman on a mission to shift the current state of conventional
Stacy Brookman is this week's Super Power U Podcast guest. Stacy affirms the belief that sharing our own story, and especially our trauma experiences, is therapeutic. She talks about boundaries and codependency, lessons learned from her past relationships, including with her narcissistic-sociopath ex-husband, as well as the antidote–the beautiful and
Today's Super Power U Podcast is a report on Month #1 of Lisa's Intermittent Fasting Experiment outlining what she did and the results. Generally, I really like to support independent podcasters but today I'm going to make an exception…because well, one thing you can count on is that I'll always
Meryl Klemow is a refreshing blend of earnestness, openness, and self-deprecation in the world of podcasting and entertainment. She hopes that she is blazing a path so weird and out there that others feel safe to set fire to their own. Lisa and Meryl talk about her experience in music
Music Credits: and Pat LaCroix Most Americans are fearful of death. And our collective fear of talking about is in the way of making compassionate care increasingly available. Lisa talk with Dr. Sandy Buchman who was her mother's home hospice doctor about being a life-long learner and creating a free
This Episode has been removed. Here's the recap: Maya Lockwood and Lisa talk about the profound and transformational messages on surrender, love, and evolution Maya received during a near-death experience, and how it set her on a path of curiosity and commitment to a future led with love and authenticity.
Photo Credit:Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash Hello, hello, hello. This is Lisa Betts-LaCroix. Today before I jump into our topic, I want to give a big shout out to Mary Roger's who is the host of the Experience 50 podcast. I have done a bunch of interviews on other people's shows recently but
Rachel Hart coaches women who want to take a break from alcohol and helps them to rewrite their stories to help them feel deeply confident, powerful, and present in their own Super Powered lives. I appreciate and am inspired by her passion for helping others that’s not based on a
Ankit Shah's Super Power is initiating vulnerability and creating a space for everyone to have space. His organization Tea With Strangers and his work with Airbnb have been deep learning in creating community for the purposes of connection and doing good. He is unusual in his ability to engage and