#44: Flexing Connection Muscles with Lou Diamond

Lou Diamond is a Master Connector and loves using his superpower to help individuals and businesses reach their peak potential. Lou thrives off of helping others discover their own unique opportunities and then connecting them to others that can help them grow and succeed. Hence, his own company Thrive, and very popular podcast, Thrive Loud. Today, he talks about how he discovered his love of fostering a culture and community through connection and deep relationships, the difference between connecting and networking, and the model he developed for knowing what it takes to be a Master Connector.


[3:28] Lou looks back fondly on his family’s jewelry store, and how much potential came up from this little space. Working in this family business, he learned the beauty of hard work, the value of money and connection with community.  At a young age, he flexed his podcast muscles by being the official broadcaster and voice in the storefront.

[8:27] Lou feeds off the energy that comes when you connect with other people. In that energy and power, we can find growth and transformation.

[10:12] Lou’s consulting and sales work has given him an opportunity to make a living doing what he loves — connecting to what someone is about, relating to them with empathy, walking them through their fear, and leading them to their highest potential.

[12:16] Networking has its own importance, but it is different than connecting. Networking is meeting people, gathering cards while connection is a deeper, more visceral relationship. Lou considers it a great success if you only connect with 2 people at an event, where you see them and they really see you.

[14:22] Lou’s foundational model of what it takes to be a Master Connector can be remembered by SAFE.

  • S = Super Why (purpose)
  • A = Authenticity (being who you really are — embracing that everyone else has been taken)
  • F = a fearless Mindset (it’s normal and natural to have fear, but we must move through it)
  • E= Empathy (relating to where others are coming from and where they want to go)

[15:34] When companies embrace a commitment to connection, it’s like an amplified trampoline bounce to the next level of success. When employees clearly understand the vision and intention of the company, it makes work fun and purposeful.

[18:06] Words are important, but our actions and behavior are also what reflect our own self back to others in the world.

[20:01] Lou shares a time of adversity, where he switched career and life paths to tend to his calling for something bigger. This led to a turning point of starting Thrive and dedicating his energy to helping others.

[25:57] Lou recounts two of his favorite lessons learned from his Thrive Loud podcast. First, Ep #138 with Amy E. Smith, where she talks about knowing the difference of peers and patients, and Ep # 161 with Voice Over Actor Steve O’Brien, who encourages us to welcome the happy accidents that occur randomly in our life.

[31:36] Lou shares an epic story, an encounter with Lou Diamond Phillips and looks forward to a possible future episode with his name buddy.

[34:16] Lou’s Super Power is most definitely Connection and helping people address their Why with deep empathy while facing their fears and connecting to their purpose.


“I love getting a message out to many. That has always been a part of me.”

“I am always the person who seems to know everybody. I’m energized by meeting other people.”

“Connecting is the root that makes great leaders.”

“Anyone that thrives totally connects first.”

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2018-10-03T23:26:14-07:00October 3rd, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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