Episode #24: Facing Death, Leading with Love; with Maya Lockwood

This Episode has been removed.  Here's the recap:

Maya Lockwood and Lisa talk about the profound and transformational messages on surrender, love, and evolution Maya received during a near-death experience, and how it set her on a path of curiosity and commitment to a future led with love and authenticity. Maya also shares her current work helping scientists become entrepreneurs with IndieBio.

Bay Area. She found there a great community of like-minded intellectual and artistic humans. Having a near-death experience was a profound turning point for Maya instilled her commitment to lead with love. Maya’s Superpower is using the lessons learned on her own journey to help others find their voice. Working with IndieBio has been a very rewarding and exciting experience for Maya to use her SuperPowers. IndieBio is the world’s most leading startup accelerator for life sciences and helps founders from all over the world learn skills on how to turn an idea successfully into a product, community building, emotional intelligence and leadership skills. Sit in silence and remember that we are all needed.


  • Like Lisa, Maya also found her way to the Bay Area. She found there a great community of like-minded intellectual and artistic humans.
  • Having a near-death experience was a profound turning point for Maya instilled her commitment to lead with love.
  • Maya’s Superpower is using the lessons learned on her own journey to help others find their voice.
  • Working with IndieBio has been a very rewarding and exciting experience for Maya to use her SuperPowers. IndieBio is the world’s most leading startup accelerator for life sciences and helps founders from all over the world learn skills on how to turn an idea successfully into a product, community building, emotional intelligence, and leadership skills.
  • Sit in silence and remember that we are all needed.

Mentioned in This Episode:


“We’ve been given this time and these senses to experience and enjoy our time on Earth.”

“Love yourself, step into your own power, and start leading with your heart.”

“Emotional intelligence is a key part of leadership.”

“I’m optimistic about the future. I believe people will have a shift within and step up.”

“Sit in silence and listen. Whatever drives you will tell you what you need to know.”


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