#99: Super Power Awareness with Teen Author and World Learner Reka Kaponay

Reka Kaponay is a young writer and author who has traveled the world with her parents and twin brother on a “School of Life” journey. Reka talks about what it means to be a world schooler and explains her model of freedom, self-direction, and adventure in education. She also shares the inspiration behind her own travel blog, Dreamtime Traveler, her first fantasy adventure fiction novel, Dawn of the Guardian and her family’s retreat to help other families deepen their connections with each other and nature. 


  • On a several month road-trip around Australia, Reka was inspired by the profound impact that sharing your story could have upon personal self-growth and connecting with others. 
  • Reka and her twin brother attended traditional school, and together as a family, they decided to make the world their place of education instead. They worked as a family unit to create a life where that was possible. 
  • Reka and her twin brother have been to 52 countries together, and her brother helps in figuring out how to partake in low-cost adventures. He is able to set an example to others that it is possible to travel the world without spending an exorbitant amount of money. 
  • Reka and her family, along with another family, founded the At Home in the World Family Retreats to assist families in spending time together that really mattered, and to unplug from all the distractions and expectations in life that divide us. 
  • Reka draws her wisdom from the learning she does online, from others she meets along her travels, and from visiting the places that most traditional learners just read about. She and her brother also see firsthand how different communities live and support each other. 
  • Reka’s family helped her with the launch of Dawn of the Guardian, her first fantasy adventure fiction novel. They embarked on an 18-month book tour together and saw this as another creative project they could all get behind. 
  • The right words in the right frame of mind can actually create things in this 3rd-dimensional world. 


  • “Our parents didn’t just tell us we are going to travel now. They really included us in the conversation.” 
  • “To keep the family unit together and to learn together is so important in today’s world.” 
  • “So many people think you need a lot of money to travel the world, but it’s really not the case.” 
  • “Maybe my real Super Power is knowing that I actually have one.” 

Reka Kaponay:

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