#103: Leading with Love with Lisa Rueff

Lisa Rueff is a multifaceted community leader, inspirational speaker, yoga teacher and humanitarian on a heart-based mission to love with purpose. Between creating the revolutionary game Sparked, building a Children’s Home and school in Haiti, and running her jewelry business Collective Hearts, she has accomplished more in 5 years than most people have in their entire lives. Lisa talks about her purpose to bring more connection and joy into the world, why love fuels her, and her steps to creating a life of self-love that radiates out towards others. 

Do you want one of Lisa's gorgeous Collective Hearts pieces?  Look at all the beautiful options on the Collective Hearts site.

Listen to last week's Episode #101 An Impossible Goal for 2020 and then sign up for a free 20-minute laser coaching session with Lisa for JANUARY!

RoseBud Woman on Facebook (register for the Woman's Wisdom show which Lisa is hosting weekly through March 4th.


  • Helping others and spreading compassion and kindness has always been a throughline of Lisa’s life. As a young adult, she was a candy striper and enjoyed reading to patients to cheer them up. Later in life she felt compelled to go down and help the Haitian community after the devastation from the 2010 earthquake. 
  • Lisa fundraised and built The Jacmel Children Center, a home and school for orphaned children that were affected by the earthquake in Haiti. 
  • Lisa’s created the board game SPARKED when she saw that she and her fellow humans could use a larger dose of connection and focusing on what uplifts and inspires us. 
  • Lisa takes advantage of her large Yoga community by asking the teachers and their students to donate for special causes. This shows the ripple effect that each person has, and displays that it doesn’t have to be a huge gesture to make a giant impact. 
  • An act of kindness matters, no matter how big or small. Lisa invites us to all try it out in our everyday life, starting even within our normal routine such as getting coffee or meeting with our community. 
  • Lisa’s company Collective Hearts is based upon the principles of leading with love, and the giant heart necklaces symbolize a welcome mat for love and kindness. The three hearts also represent: 
  1. Celebrating your self and engaging in self-love daily. 
  2. Elevating others. 
  3. Illuminating the love you feel for yourself and others throughout your day as a meditative practice. 

Three Life Lessons: 

  1. Follow your heart. Listen to your own inherent wisdom and turn in often for the answers you are seeking. 
  2. Look for the best in others and be a really good listener. 
  3. Remember that in the end, all that matters is love. 


  •  “I have gravitated to helping people out and cheering them up.” 
  • “I am so motivated by love, spreading love, and amplifying love.” 
  • “I am leading a service-based life that is so motivated by love.” 
  • “A smile can make such a difference in someone’s day, it’s unbelievable.” 

Mentioned in This Episode:


Lisa Danielle Rueff 

Collective Hearts

The Jacmel Children’s Center 



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