#79: Rebranding Aging A SOLO show with Lisa Betts-LaCroix

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Today's episode is Sponsored by WomanU and Women Undone:

Because Sometimes You Have to Come Undone to Keep on Becoming.  More information on this 12 Week Journey Through Change HERE


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Today's Episode is a SOLO show in which Lisa describes the essence of her talk “Rebranding Aging” and her commitment to changing the cultural narrative about what it means to get old by inspiring and encouraging others to write new stories.

She describes the path she took from being a homeschooling mother committed to her family and her community

at age 49, discovering ballroom dance and falling in love with it.  She tells the story of discovering competition and eventually winning a World title in her age category which led to speaking on stages and performing dance.



But lest you think it's all a rah-rah Pollyanna story Lisa also tells about the heartbreaks that led to her deepened commitment to Rebranding Aging and the clarity that came from the support of her community

and the understanding that our nature as people (and especially as women) is to constantly reinvent and rebloom.





You can see her talk on the Womenspeak Facebook Page.

Help Lisa get this message out to the world by recommending her talk for conferences and events for:

  1. Longevity, Biotech and Anti-aging Medical Communities
  2. Women's Future and Empowerment Events
  3. Corporate and Media communities who will benefit from understanding the power of this demographic

Super U Resources:
Lisa Betts-LaCroix on Instagram

Super Power U Facebook Page

Super Power U Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play


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